Business Hours


OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Helping Hands of Midland serves the poor and underprivileged of Midland County thorugh financial, spiritual and emotional support. We serve the poor with humility and respect, preserving the dignity of each person who comes to us for help.

WHO WE ARE: Helping Hands of Midland is a faith-based, non-denominational, non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. We provide financial assistance for rent, utilities, prescriptions, emergency housing and transportation. Food, clothing, furniture, appliances and household goods are also provided at no charge to those in need.

HOW WE WORK: A person in need of assistance calls our helpline. That person's history in receiving past help is researched via Agency Crosscheck, a website that is used by most benevolence agencies in Midland. The information is taken and, when warranted, a caseworker is assigned. The caseworker visits with the client, either at our office or in their home, assesses needs, and make a financial pledge to the appropriate creditor, should help be deemed necessary.